Affective Architectures Lab

Online Conference | November – December 2023

Oklahoma City National Memorial, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

The International Conference of Heritage and Affect, co-organized by Angela Person (associate professor of Architecture, University of Oklahoma) and Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas (assistant professor of Museum Studies, University of Florida), will take place online in late November and early December 2023. The conference brings together dozens of leading scholars from around the world to explore the affective, visceral, and more-than-representational atmospheres of heritage landscapes.

Conference Themes and Objectives
The International Conference of Heritage and Affect is a collective exploration of heritage environments through their affective and emotional lifeworlds. Papers will engage themes such as: performativity and negotiations of affect, embodiment, and subjectivity, in heritage environments; emotionally-transformative curation at sites of difficult heritage; immersive technologies of affectious storytelling and place-making; new methodological advancements in intangible heritage, as well as ethical dilemmas of evocative heritage design on contemporary publics.

This conference is organized into six thematic sections, with each section organized by a pair or trio of scholars and practitioners working at the leading edges of their disciplines. A core objective of this scholarly project is to provide a meaningful snapshot of the state of the research and museum practices relative to affect-driven design within heritage architectures through a broad range of rigorous, global case studies. Taken together, these sessions will address important questions of ethics, embodiment, and immersive and transformative experiences that have emerged at the forefront of affect studies, and museum and heritage studies.

Conference Format
Conference paper presentations have been pre-recorded, and videos to these recordings are linked within the conference program. Participants are encouraged to view the presentation recordings associated with each session in advance of the session meeting. Each conference session (90 – 120 minutes) will take place via Zoom and will be moderated by the session chairs. During the session, a panel discussion will take place.

Note: In some cases, authors have requested additional time to upload their recordings thus their presentations are listed as “pending.”  For this reason, updates will be made to the conference program periodically. Click here to download the latest version of the program

Schedule at a Glance

Section 1: Embodiment & Cognitive Science (Andrea Jelić & Aleksandar Staničić, Section Eds.)  Monday, November 27, 2023
8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. CT (Chicago)
15:00 – 16:30 CET (Brussels)
Passcode: 991217
Meeting ID: 948 2813 1445
Section 2: Emotionally Transformative Experiences (Audrey Reeves, Angela Person & Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, Section Eds.)Friday, December 1, 2023
7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. CT (Chicago)
Passcode: 08044048
Meeting ID: 964 2628 3485
Section 3: Immersive Technologies (Pete Froslie, Heidi Boisvert & Felipe Flores, Section Eds.)Wednesday, November 29, 2023
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm CT (Chicago)
Passcode: 58646468
Meeting ID: 964 6110 5783
Section 4: Immersive Art & Design (Rusaila Bazlamit & Suhail Dahdal, Section Eds.)Sunday, November 19, 2023
23:00 CT (Chicago)

Monday, November 20, 2023
15:00 – 16:30 AEDT (Melbourne)
Passcode: 51833714
Meeting ID: 963 1201 2851
Section 5: Emerging Methodologies (Silvina Fernandez-Duque, Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas & Angela Person, Section Eds.)  Friday, November 17, 2023
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CT (Chicago)
Passcode: 96025754
Meeting ID: 954 5971 2056
Section 6: Affect in Practice: Ethics of Deploying Affect (Perry Carter & Amy Potter, Section Eds.)Friday, December 1, 2023
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT (Chicago)
Passcode: 23272282
Meeting ID: 965 5573 9307
Click here to view the conference program and access pre-recorded presentations.